Islam is a religion of mercy for all bearer people, teach a variety of patterns of joint life in the Koran and Al Harest that will never be any by the book. He has every era so that we become wary over all events on earth. Earth is a witness for those of the favor of ALLOH SWT only, never can we calculate and afford to count them. Most Excellent Alloh that gives us knowledge and technology exposition when the sky is only the glass screen of your home. Any impression imprint as, for example brand and keep away from the teachings of Islam. Dien nan fragile soul terkikis easily by the current circumstances, make a habit of unlawful or bid'ah combain as part of this.
Shame has covered abundant wealth that has been sold and aqidah worldly affairs for the main stomach. Honesty becomes a rare and the study of religious righteousness deflexion veiled.
Currently we see so much food in the form of television endeavors, a serial mystery or preaching competition. They may know more about many of our religion, have a broad view of the world and have a better welfare. But they really do not realize that they do is something that overstatement. Impressions with the title of this Islamic feels far different from what teach in the dawn. Tends to be a mystical story, vulgar in the delivery of many irregularities and stories from the Koran and the teachings of Al Harest. We still need to learn their own or deepen the content of Islam which there Book, the Koran and Al Harest as the rules ALLOH SWT to the world to the Hereafter people.
We fear it, for those who memilikitingkat bigotry against the teachings of television will not teach or give to neighbors, children or other companion taulan as a truth. While they do not pay attention from the academic origins, the sum of so many sully their teachings of Islam which there noble values. We will mention some impressions of irregularities patron / drama television with Islamic themes. Sorry if you do not concur with me, but if you want to know first learned awakened the Koran and Al Harest because I do not include the proposition and verses that you have a good faith search for truth in both. And hopefully ALLOH SWT always provide guidance for those who intend to provide spiritual splash of water, if your manufacturer patron actor / playwright create something true and do not spread the curse ALLOH SWT.
That please:
- The description of punishment that the grave will be made as grave as it is punishment
- Men and women who are not even think muhrim brush
- The existence of contamination scenes incredulous
- The existence of a court or a rape scene
- Delivery of Satan and evil good watchdog
- Women who grave even at
- Clothing and some detachable
- Bookmarks glamoritas far from the simplicity of the dawn
- Women dressed but naked
- Many a projection attitude jealous, envious, boastful and blaspheme the
- Responding paragraph, and often without even proposition more often a song that is not the spirit awakened
This is only the general course, knows why the MUI has yet to broadcast a warning against penyelengga impressions such as this. Department of sensor and religious as away in the presence of impressions-visual impressions such as this. Remember, that is astringent ALLOH SWT is the Most Excellent and never forget the lesson inadvertent or against any behavior that we do. Do not quibble is that your good intention to distribute spam glory, the good will alone is not enough, especially if you sully your own religious teachings. Hopefully they are in the Marina Park this impression would seriously study the teachings ALLOH SWT, so they are not losers, and always guided the truth.
Resentful if my viewing of television shows, the fruit of this poison our hearts or our brother. The doctrin as if they are awakened, without wanting to understand the revelations that the truth will never be changed because it seriously has kept ALLOH SWT without human intervention. How many of you will bear the human artist as a result of the misleading impression aqidah as I have mentioned. Wallohu 'alam bi showab ... ...